Enchanted Mushroom Walks Winter Learning Program

Hello folks, welcome to Enchanted Mushroom Forest’s Winter Learning Program. The goal of this program is to set you up for success and confidence, foraging safely in the next growing season. I’m so excited to watch of you learn and grow, thank you for being here with me and trusting me on this most mushroomy journey.

***Instructor’s and Web Maven’s Note: This is the first time that these courses are being offered on an e-learning platform, so please be patient with us as we get all the content for you uploaded and debugged. It will all be here eventually don’t worry! In the meantime, please enjoy what we have for you so far!****

If you are registered for this course and are having trouble accessing some or all of the material below, please check out the Troubleshooting Guide.

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Week 1

Welcome to Week one of the Winter Learning Program. Each week comes with a one on one virtual lesson, the first on the basics of identifying mushrooms, so please review all the material available here and then reach out to me to book your Week 1 lesson. As a bonus, I’ve included a Mushroom ID 101 live webclass recording.


Lesson 1: Mushroom Identification 101 Optional Bonus – Mycokey Useful Resources Bonus Video: Wild Mushroom ID 101 Test Your Knowledge

Week 2

Welcome to Week two of the Winter Learning Program. Mycotoxins and Toxic Fungi. Please review all the week’s materials (including another prerecorded webclass) before reaching out to schedule your second lesson.


Lesson 2: Mycotoxins and Poisonous Mushrooms Video: Toxic Mushrooms Week 2 Quiz

Week 3

Week 3 focuses on the medicinal application and preparation of mushrooms. Lesson 3 contains a copy of the slides that we will use for our one-on-one lesson in how to prepare mushrooms (and herbs) for medicinal use. This module also comes with 2 bonus videos from previous courses: one on medicinal mushrooms common to this area, and one on identifying trees that our mushrooms tend to be associated with. When you’ve looked over the material for this week, please reach out to me to schedule your lesson!


Lesson 3 – Medicinal Preparations Week 3 Quiz Bonus Video: Tree Identification Bonus Video: Medicinal Mushrooms

Week 4

Welcome to Week 4! This week we will be focusing on mushrooms and other edibles that we can forage in Winter, even when so much of nature is dormant. When you’ve looked over the material for this week, please reach out to me to schedule your lesson.


Winter Foraging Usnea Week 4 Quiz

Week 5

Spring Foraging


Spring Foraging

Week 6

Summer Foraging Guide


Summer Foraging Guide

Week 7

Fall Foraging Guide


Fall Foraging Guide

Bonus Module: Profiles of Common NB Mushrooms

Here and in the two modules below, you’ll find profiles and tips on how to identify some of the more common edible and toxic mushrooms here in NB.


About Mushroom Blindness

Bonus Profiles: Edible Mushrooms

Here you’ll find profiles of just a few of the choice edibles that you can find here in NB, and how to identify them so you know that they’re safe to eat.


Flamulina Velutipes (Enoki) Armillaria (Honey Mushrooms) Cantherellus (Chanterelles) Pluteus Cervinus Group / Megacollybia Rodmanii Boletus Edulus Clade (King Boletes) Fomitopsis Betulina (Birch Polypore)

Bonus Profiles: Toxic Mushrooms and plants

Here you’ll find profiles of a few of the toxic species that grow here in NB, and how to identify them so that you can avoid them.


Inocybes SL Amanita Bispogeria Group (Destroying Angels) Taxus (Yew)

Bonus Module: International Mushroom Identification

While our mushrooms are sleeping here in North America, mushroom season is just beginning in other parts of the world, and while they have different species of mushroom there, many of the genera are the same, and many of the species are simply International counterparts. We can learn a lot studying international fungi, we can also help train our eyes to see the fine differences between mushrooms, which is one of the most important skills in mushroom Identification. This module is opt in, no one is obligated to participate, but I would encourage everyone to take a look, ESPECIALLY at European fungi as they have the closest species to us.


International Identification
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