
Troubleshooting Guide

Having Trouble Accessing Your Course?

Here are some things that you can try.  If after reading this you are still having trouble, or would like some extra help getting to the bottom of your issues, reach out to Mad the Web Maven at madmcdan@yahoo.ca or through Facebook Messenger at https://www.facebook.com/MadMcDan/.

Accessing the material in the course requires two steps:
1. In order to view all the content from the course, you will need to be logged in to your student account. You can do that by clicking on the “student login” icon at the top of this page, or at this link here, which will open in a new tab:
2. You then need to go to a different link to access your course. From this guide, once you are logged in, you should be able to see it in the “My course” link above. 
I’ve also included a direct link to the course so that you can copy/paste or bookmark it here:

If you are having trouble accessing your course or signing in, these steps can help:
1. The emails with your student name and link to reset your password do not come from Mad or Jessika, they are sent from WordPress, which hosts the course. A small number of you are unable to receive these emails because your email provider is blocking that sender. If that’s the case, you won’t get any password reset emails either.

If this is you, please let Mad know either at


or through Facebook Messenger at


 and they will reset your password manually and send you your login ID and password from my email address instead.

2. If you are not able to use the “My Course” button above to find your course, or are getting a message saying “take this course” or “in order to view this material, please log in” then one of two things is happening:
  • you have been logged out of your student account, or you’re accessing the material from a device or browser that you haven’t logged in to yet. Please try using the very first link above to log in, and then try accessing the course again.
  • you are logged in, but your browser is showing you cached information from before you logged in. If that is the case, then try follwing this guide to clearing your cache, and then go back and do the two steps at the very top of this message again, (log in to your student account, and then follow the second link to the course material.)
Thank you so much for your understanding and patience as we work hard to make this course the best mushroom course around!
-Jessika and Mad

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